
Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Smoke Detector That Could

I just read an article about a smoke detector that woke up a couple when their house had started a fire, urging them to safety... OMG A SMOKE DETECTOR JUST DOING ITS JOB.

We really are in the land of Cornfields...

Monday, April 22, 2013


So, I posted a status on Facebook today stating that not every Muslim is a terrorist.

Because it's true.

I had just seen several politically-based posts in a row, implying that all Muslims are in fact screaming banshee terrorists out to destroy the world. Here's one that pissed me off:

No it's not.

And this one, an excerpt from a "letter to Obama from a 95-year-old veteran" who probably doesn't exist, or write such well-written letters:
And just who do you think you are telling the American people not to jump to conclusions and condemn that Muslim major who killed 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded dozens more. You mean you don’t want us to do what you did when that white cop used force to subdue that black college professor in Massachusetts , who was putting up a fight? You don’t mind offending the police calling them stupid but you don’t want us to offend Muslim fanatics by calling them what they are, terrorists.
Most people responded positively to what I said, understanding that what I said is indeed a fact, and that was that. But all it takes is one person to be a jackass.

This person responded by privately messaging me, calling me a hippie, and telling me that "not all Muslims are terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims." There are two things that bother me about this happening:

  1. Although this may be partially true (to Americans), it still doesn't in any way legitimately refute what I said. 
  2. If you are going to oppose something that someone said publicly, you should be expected to do the same. Messaging me privately just implies you are a pussy and don't want to take the criticism you know you will receive from the public.
I'm not saying everyone should outwardly post their opinions (or facts) on the Internet all the time. I'm just saying don't be such a jackass all the time.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Shower Songs

Singing the chorus of "You're Gonna Go Far Kid" by The Offspring in the shower:

Nice work ya DICK
Yer gonna go fuck him!
With a thousand lies
And her big fat thighs
Hit her right between the thighs!
Hit her right between the thighs!
When you walk away
Nothing more to say
Say the right thing in her thighs!
See 'em running
FUCK our lives!

Obnoxiously loud. That is the only way to let your neighbors know who's boss. Good thing my neighbor is half deaf. She is also my landlady.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Why don't my eyelashes want to part each other? And why is it moderately cloudy / blurry in my right eye? And why is it soooo dry???


I think the eyelashes are the most annoying thing.